Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Pressure Group Influence

How and why do pressure groups influence the  Judiciary?

These questions will be 15 markers FOUR PARAGRAPHS for 15 markers.


Influencing appointments
Pressure groups often allocate a mass amount of funding on media campaigns and advisement; some pressure groups go further to scrutinising potential candidates and providing this information to senators. This is likely to be either in favour or against the appointment of a Supreme Court member. Through doing so pressure groups increase the chance of changing the political swing in the courts towards their side. Influencing the courts is important as pressure groups can make long term constitutional changes. Alliance for Justice campaigned for Elena Kagan as of mutual left wing ideologies.
This is not always successful. Power still lies within the Senate who have the final decision on appointments. Appointed members are therefore likely to reflect the senate rather than pressure groups. Clarence Thomas was opposed by the NAAPC but still succeeded.

Amicus Briefs
Pressure groups provide assistance in cases whether this is through evidence or knowledge. These aim to understand the views of people and groups beyond those directly involved in the case. Through doing so pressure groups can input their political opinion on key cases that affect their cause and shaping the political climate. American Civil Liberties on civil rights and abortion.
This is highly criticised as it may provide groups with the opportunity to have greater influence on constitutional amendments but some are argued to be poorly drafted me unreliable. 

Legal Journals
Cases often request legal journals as evidence and for a greater understanding of cases. These help shape the climate of a case as they are read by both lawyers and judges. National Education Association on Stewart V. National Education Association.   
The number of legal journals has not reflected their success rate. There has been an increase of over 200% but not all have been influential. 

Test Cases
Pressure groups have the chance to impact the constitution at the highest standards of legal assistance. Groups often bring issues which they feel are in need of reform. With the necessary resources pressure groups can effectively determine the nature of a case. NAACP on Civil Rights and HRCF on DOMA.  

How and why do pressure groups influence Congress?


  Electioneering and Endorsement
Pressure groups are likely to support or oppose a candidate based on the candidate’s position on then policy areas of concern. These views can then be reflected in the formulation of policies. This is achieved through funding candidate’s positive advertisements and the costs of their campaign through Super PACs. Mass spending often reflects the performance of a candidate.
Prioritise USA Action over $900 million for Obama's presidential campaign which led to his success.
Presence of finance have allowed the influence of pressure groups within the political system as the founding fathers wished for and made elections more competitive as candidates have the resources available to fight an election. However, they increase the dependency and proximity of donors and have reduced the likelihood of minor party success as the fail to keep up with the rising costs.

Pressure groups act as a source of information on current issues to legislators. Lobbying is the most effective method as interests groups are able to express their opinions which may shape the eventual outcome of policy formulation. Within the Senate this may also involve influencing any appointments.
American Association of Retired Persons has had a mass amount of influence on health care reforms. Lobbyists play a significant part in US politics as of their K-Street.
The influence of business and energy lobbyist has been the reason for the Kyoto Protocol never being signed.
Lobbyists have become a significant and an encouragement of pluralism as it is an effective access point. However, other than biased information it encourage’s elitism. The largest and wealthiest pressure groups are the most significant lobbyist which means formulated policies revolve around their interests. General Electric Co. spent more than $94 Million solely on lobbying.

Pressure groups regularly hold campaigns to educate the public on issues. This is achieved through meetings to advertisements. If enough attention is gathered these can often sway public perception and eventually trigger a policy change or possibly a reform. Through the use of the media this has become and inexpensive method widely used by modern pressure groups.
National Education Association of the United States against the Dream Act and the Gang of 8 Bill. 
No distinguishing of what is good or bad publicity and whether it's for the interest of the people or the wealth or its members. Publicity also encourages partisanship as it highlights the issues faced in America on both sides. This has been a major contributor to wedge politics on many issues. 

  Organising Grassroots Activities
These vary from campaigns to demonstration which aims to first educate the public on their issue and gain political support and aimed at the legislators and policy-makers as post has become a less notable way
NAACP on the Ferguson verdict. 
Some groups go further to tarnish someone's career or resort to violent protests to gain attention. This was the result of the Ferguson verdict protest (A prolonged riot).

Why do pressure groups seek to influence the Senate?

Congressional Committees

Almost half of the congressional committees spending are allocated to the Senate. This therefore makes lobbying in the senate significant as they are able to influence the decisions of committees; through doing so pressure groups can potentially influence the whole of congress.

Ratifies Treaties

The constitution gives the power for the Senate to ratify presidential treaties. Although this is a check on the president, it is also an opportunity for pressure groups to encourage the acceptance or rejection of a presidential treaty. Through influencing treaties pressure groups can indirectly impact the presidential agenda and have a long term impact on the USA’s international involvement. This has been most significant under environmental treaties like the Kyoto Protocol which the President never signed because the Lobbyist in the Senate would prevent this from being accepted.

Ratification of Presidential Nominations

This is another power held by the Senate to check the power of the President but has been used by pressure groups to influence the Presidential Agenda and even the makeup of the Supreme Court. Through campaigning on behalf or against a presidential nomination in the Senate pressure groups are able to indirectly impact the makeup of the executives department and the political swing of the Supreme Court.


This is a significant power held by the Senate as it does not require a majority’s support. Single Senators are able to delay the performance of the Senate to have greater influence on policy outcomes. This also allows minorities to influence large scale political change.

Which factors give pressure groups significance in the US?

Fragmented Political System

As of three branches of government pressure groups have multiple numbers of access points. Pressure groups then use their different methods of lobbying, electioneering, grassroots activities and publicity in each branch and in turn. There different ways pressure groups can influence a change in policy.

Dependency on Elections

Campaign finance reforms have limited the candidate’s abilities in elections which has increase the dependency on pressure groups that provide an alternative to the system. The existence of Super PACs has allowed elections to become more expensive and effectively more competitive. Although the democratic impact of this has been questionable, pressure groups have been able to increase their influence and the support of candidates at the expense of other group’s success.

Transparency of Government and Accessibility of Politicians

The arrangements of the political system has made it easier to scrutinise the actions of government and made it easier to lobby and develop a relationship with representatives or members of government. The existence of Iron Triangles and Revolving Door Syndrome has derived from this.


The existence of initiatives has reduced the need for congress to make change. Pressure groups can bypass the government and actively make change themselves. Initiatives have been most significant in recent years as the power of the executive has been increasingly challenged by a divided congress that is both uncooperative and unproductive. With the influence of pressure groups, states have been able to pass legislations that would have potentially never been passed by a Republican congress like minimum wage increases.

How do pressure groups influence at state level?

State initiatives

Pressure groups have a golden opportunity to make a difference on state level without the need of congress.
-    2014 Marijuana initiatives (Alaska, Florida, Oregon & Washington D.C) and Minimum wage increases (Alaska, Arkansas, Illinois & South Dakota)
-    Successful campaigns can swing initiative outcomes in their favour

Recall Representatives

This is an effective way for the public to ensure that representation and accountability is retained within the USA’s political system with the help of pressure groups. However, a function present but only successful with a majority influence.


This includes lobbying Governors and Legislatures to impact the State government legislations. Lobbying has become an increasingly significant method.


  1. Do you have a 'How and why do pressure groups influence Executive?'
    Thinking it might come up this year for exams.

    1. It should be somewhere on the blog yes, but if not I'll be sure to upload it soon.
