Monday, 23 February 2015

Political Party Notes

In 1992, millionaire Ross Perot damaged the incumbent George HW Bush and helped to propel Bill Clinton to the White House with only 43% of the popular vote. And Ralph Nader is still vilified by some Democrats for eight years later taking crucial votes away from Al Gore in Florida.GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS UNIT 3C POLITICAL PARTIES
George W. Bush ran his 2000 election campaign calling himself a ‘compassionate conservative’ (is a term popularised by George W. Bush during his 2000 presidential campaign to denote a strand of conservative Republican philosophy which took a more compassionate view on such issues as welfare, education, immigration and poverty) .

South tends to be more republican, North East coast and West coast, more liberal or libertarian.
The trend has been towards American seeing the parties as far more distinct à1972, 46% said there were important differences in what the Republicans and Democrats stand for compared to 78% in 2008

Liberal = a view that seeks to change the political, economic and social status quo in favour f the well-being, rights and liberties of the individual, and especially those who are generally disadvantaged by society

Conservative = a view that seeks to defend the political, economic and social status quo and therefore tends to oppose changes in the institutions and structures of society

Historical Context


  •           By 20th century each party represented such a diverse range that it was difficult to describe either as standing for something distinctively different to the other
  •           The Republicans, as the party of business, were conservative, resistant to change and to government intervention in the economy. It also attracted some liberals who believed that government had a moral duty to look after the interests of those who genuinely were unable to help themselves
  •           Democrats were even more right wing, determined to assert racial superiority over blacks
  •           Both parties became known as ‘umbrella parties’ covering most people


  •          Democrat President, Franklin D. Roosevelt introduced ‘New Deal’ programme, providing benefits for unemployed, generating jobs and improving employment rights. After benefiting from policies of FDR support swung from reps who abolished slavery, to Democrats.
  •          1964 Civil Rights Act signed by Democrat Johnson pulled in more support from blacks and essentially broke up the solid south.


  •           1960, Solid South was still intact – would all vote Democrat. Known as ‘Yellow Dog Democrats’
  •           1960 à 99/106 members of House from South, all 22 southern senators and all 11 southern state governors were Democrat. 1960 pres. Candidate Kennedy won 8 of 11 Southern states
  •          But in the ten subjesequent presidential elections (1964-2000) the Democrats won a majority of South on only one occasion – in 1976 with Southernor Jimmy Carter.
  •          1990s – final seismic shift
  •          From 1960 to 1994, the Democrats always had a majority of southern House Representatives, southern senators and southern governors
  •           1994, Republicans had a majority in each of these southern positions. In 2012 all 11 southern governors were Republican and held 98 out of 138 southern house seats
  •          In just 50 years political landscape shifted. Has led to polarisation of US politics


  •           Washington politics seems to all be about Partisanship. ‘A term used to denote a state of affairs in which members of one party regularly group together in opposition to the members of another party. Partisanship is therefore typified by high levels of party discipline, frequent occurences of party-line voting, and little, if any cooperation and compromise between politicians of different parties.

Social Conservatives
  •          Believe humans are inherently selfish and so need clear moral guidance through strong family units and a good education with punishments in place for those who do wrong
  •           Social Conservatives began to emerge in 1970s’ – they thought there had been a ‘downward moral spiral’ as there was more free sexual expression, rising divorce rates and single parent families. Roe vs Wade (1973) were abortion was constitutionalised also increased social conservatism

  •           They are anti-abortion
  •           They aim to reduce access to inappropriate material i.e. Miley Cyrus
  •         They would like schools to be based on Biblical principles: i.e. they would like to see Engel v Vitale (1962) Supreme Court decision overturned which ruled that school prayers were unconstitutional in publicaly funded institutions because the 1st ammenment keeps gov out of religious matters, are suspicious of sex education, are creationist (cthis approach was ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in Edwards vs Aguillard (1987) on the basis that ir promoted a religious viewpoint.) This led to the development of an alternative; Intelligent Design but this too was rendered unconstitutional in December 2005 as it advances a version of Christianity

-          Two avenues have emerged for families who feel they cannot get an education that respects their values:
(1)     School voucher scheme offered in some states; It provides families with a voucher equivalent in value to the cost of educating a child in a community school and can be used in private schools
(2)    Home schooling – there are about 2 million taught this way

-          They are anti-gay marriage à In the case of Lawrence Vs Texas (2003) the Supreme Court ruled that laws banning homosexual sex were unconstitutional. This paved the way for gay marriage being constitutional in many cases. This led to ballot initiatives banning same sec marriage in 13 states

Fiscal Conservatives

  •          Believe that selfishness can be harnessed to produce a dynamic, productive society
  •          Believe people can be trusted to make economic decisions without involvement of gov
  •          Believe society need well-resourced law enforcement agencies and punishments
  •           Came to prominence in the 70s when there was low economic growth and inflation issues. Friedrich Hayek and Milton Friedman from the University of Chicago argued this was due to government intervention – had created welfare dependency and undermined incentives for wealthy to invest. Want small gov – low taxes, less regulations
  •           Also advocates of gun rights are anti gov intervention
  •          Ronald Reagan became president 1981 – ‘Government is not the solution to the problem. Government is the problem’
  •         They believe it will also lead to reduced irresponsible behaviour (less single parents, better role models)
  •           George W Bush introduced to massive tax cuts in 2001 and 2003 but federal spending increased
  •           Want  balanced budget amendment
  •           Want to promote school vouchers so that market forces can improve poor schools
  •          Anti-Affirmative Action = Supreme Court Case Grutter Vs Bollinger (2003) left the constitutional position unchanged
  •          Protecting gun manufacturers from law suits i.e. Oct 2005 president signed into law a bill that protects the gun industry from lawsuits by victims of crimes in which their weapons have been used
  •         Reduce environment regulations i.e. George Bush withdrew USA from Kyoto Protocol on Global Warming in 2001
  •          Want to increase defence spending and challenge regimes hostile to US interests and values

Moderate Conservatives

  •          Known as Rockefeller conservatism à are paternalistic in nature, agree on low taxes but understand need for welfare. Leading Rockefeller, conservative John McCain criticised social conservatives as ‘agents of intolerance’. Rudy Giuliani, Michael Bloomberg (now independent) and Arnold Schwarzenegger = all organised in a faction called the Republican Main Street Partnership
  •          Nomination of John McCain as Republican president candidate 2008 argued as continuing influence of the Rockefeller’s but they are a relatively small group


  • Have existed for a long time. Essentially are anti-immigration as they believe that immigrants have forced wages down and are using up resources which doesn’t work

Blue Dog Democrats

  •           Most conservative faction. Focus on ensuring a ‘deep commitment to financial stability’ à ensuring laws can be funded without increasing taxes/ government borrowing
  •          111th congress starting Jan 09 there were 47 democrats in the blue dog coalition

Democratic Leadership Council

  •           Centrist members of the Democrats founded this in 1985
  •           Often identified with Bill Clinton who became its leader in 1990
  •           Has adopted a position of advancing traditional left-wing goals such as protecting the interests of the poor such as boosting opportunities through economic growth
  •           Has come to be seen as embodying all of the weaknesses of the modern Democratic Party: failing to provide and inspiring vision for America and only winning elections when opponents were unpopular
  •           111th congress there were 58 members of the New Democrat Coalition


-Believe in a balanced budget by lowering gov spending and lowering tax
- Conservatives believe in cutting government spending to ensure a balanced budget as for them, the

Minimum wage hikes are on the ballot in four Republican-leaning states -- Alaska, Arkansas, Nebraska and South Dakota.

Reject laissez-faire, believe in Keynesian Economics. Believe in government spending when needed and progressive tax systems as well as government intervention in the economy at right times
Feel that if left to its own devices, a capitalist economy will work only in favour of the rich. The poor will be exploited. Believe that to some extent, government should intervene to ensure equality of opportunity
Obama pushed through congress the $787 billion economic stimulus Congress in February, 2009. The package was designed to quickly jump-start economic growth, and save between 900,000 to 2.3 million jobs. Its three categories of spending were:
$288 billion in tax cuts.
$224 billion in extended unemployment benefits, education and health care.
$275 billion for job creation using federal contracts, grants and loans.

Has also spoke out in July 2014 stating that he wishes to close loopholes that are allowing companies to escape from paying millions in tax

The Minimum Wage Fairness Act proposed gradually raising the federal minimum wage to $10.10 over a thirty month period. It followed President Obama’s executive order to raise the minimum wage for federal contractors to $10.10 an hour in February.

Republicans predictably blocked the bill countering minimum wage raises with the issue of possible job losses.
Democrats had introduced the Paycheck Fairness Act legislation in the Senate only a week before, targeting employers and barring punitive measures against workers who share wage information, but the bill is now currently dead after a failed vote to cloture on Sept 15th 2014

The Obama administration tax rate on capital gains for high-income earners shot up to 23.8%—20% plus the 3.8% ObamaCare investment surtax. Ditto for the tax on dividends. So taxes on business investment rose by nearly 60% in 2013 and are nearly 20% higher than in the Clinton years.
For estates more than $5.3 million in value, the estate tax in 2013 rose to 40% from 35% in 2012. 


Welfare – 110 million Americans receiving benefits from one or more gov welfare programmes.
Believe that welfare is an integral part of society, especially if there is high inequality.
Affordable Care Act was signed into law March 23 2010 and is meant to “provide affordable, quality health care for all Americans and reduce the growth in health care spending, and for other purposes”. They felt it was in need of reform because 44 million Americans did not have health insurance, there existed a medicaid gap which left seniors unable to pay for their medication, and insurance companies could drop you if you became sick.

Obamacare has already:

• ObamaCare closes the Part D Medicare Coverage Gap or “Donut Hole” that was forcing Seniors to pay out of pocket for drug costs. There is also a 50% discount on brand name drugs. Seniors currently get a rebate to cover the costs and ObamaCare closes the Medicare coverage gap for good in 2020.

Children under the age of 26 can stay on their parents insurance

733,000 women over 65 who have to survive on just $458 a month. Overall, 2.6 million elderly women lived in poverty in 2012, making do with just $11,670 or less a year.

Starvation isn’t common in the US, but extreme hunger still is. Congress has cut $8.6bn from food stamps. One in five US children live in poverty and over 14% of US households have experienced food insecurity.

The cuts to federal food stamps  in Jan 2014 come on top of a $5bn cut in November and will reduce payments to 1.7 million of the poorest Americans by an estimated $90 a month.

The measures will also add $5.7bn to the cost of a 50% subsidy on premiums for crop insurance and extend a loophole allowing multiple people to claim government subsidies for one farm.

Other Democrats said the $956bn farm bill was an improvement on original Republican demands for a $40bn cut in food stamps. At least 89 Democrats voted in favour of the final bill proposed by a bipartisan conference committee representing both Senate and House.
Good diplomacy is the best way to deal with terrorism.  Relying on military force to defeat terrorism creates hatred that leads to more terrorism.  Captured terrorists should be handled by law enforcement and tried in civilian courts.
The withdrawal of U.S. military forces from Iraq began in June 2009 and was completed by December 2011, bringing an end to the Iraq War.
Withdrawal of Iraq troops was actually a result of an agreement signed by Bush in 2008 which stated by 31 December 2011 "all the United States Forces shall withdraw from all Iraqi territory"

Obama has launched airstrikes in coalition with 40 other states against ISIS and has commanded that the attacks involve no US ground troops

Support legal immigration.  Support amnesty for those who enter the U.S. illegally (undocumented immigrants).  Also  believe that undocumented immigrants have a right to:
-- all educational and health benefits that citizens receive (financial aid, welfare, social security and medicaid), regardless of legal status.
-- the same rights as American citizens.  It is unfair to arrest millions of undocumented immigrants.

Gay marriage

Gun control

Religion and Gov



  • Is a system in which two major parties regularly win the vast majority of votes in general elections, regularly capture nearly all the seats in the legislature and alternatively control the executive branch of government.

In US:
  •           Rep or Dem regularly win at least 80% of the popular vote in general elections, regularly win at least 90% of the seats in the legislature and alternately control the executive branch of government
  •          In 12 presidential elections between 1968 and 2012, the Democrats and Republicans accounted for more than 80% of the popular vote on every occasion. In 8 of these elections, their combined vote exceeded 95%. Only in one of the 12 elections did the Democrats and Republicans fail to win all the Electoral College votes – rogue electors apart.
  •          Following 2012 elections, only two members of senate, Bernie Sanders and Angus King, were not sitting as either Democrats or Republicans: But Sanders is only opposed by a Republican candidate at each election because he invariably votes with Democrats. King announced he will caucus with the Democrats.
  •           In January 2013, 49 of the 50 state governors were either Democrats or Republicans. Every president since 1853 has been wither Democrat or Republican – that’s a 160 year period.


(1) FPTP – make it difficult for third parties to win elections because their support is widespread and not concentrated. Therefore, whilst they pick up a fraction of the vote in almost every state, the receive no reward at all because of the winner-takes-all system. A national third party candidate merely lowers the percentage of the vote needed by the major party candidate to win the election
(2) 2 major parties are umbrellas – They encompass a wide ideological spectrum… so there is not much room left for any other parties to attract substantial support. The two main parties are ideologically all-embracing
(3) Primary elections – Help make the major parties more responsive to the electorate, minimising need for protest vote which usually goes to third parties
(4) Has a 50 party system – The term two party system seems to convey the idea of two disciplined, centralised national parties with national leaders and national policy programmes. Parties in the USA are still essentially decentralised, with no national ‘leader’ and no national policy programme – except maybe for four months every fourth year when these state based parties must unite in a presidential campaign. I.E. Californian Democratic Party is a very different animal from the Georgia Democratic Party. This is a natural consequence of federalism and a country in which each election is a state-based one run largely under state laws by state officials
(5) Is no-party system – Candidates are often more important than parties, split-ticket voting is common and divided government is a frequent phenomenon


Best known: the Reform Party (temporary third party), the Libertarian Party (permanent third party) and the Green Party (permanent third party)

Regional third parties – Strom Thurmon’s States Rights Party, George Wallace’s American Independent Party (Temporary third party)

Election system

FPTP makes it difficult for national third parties. But regional third parties can do well: in 1968 George Wallace won 45 Electoral College votes with 13% of the vote, but his votes were concentrated in a small number of states. In 1992 Ross Perot won no Electoral College votes with 19% of the vote. Perot’s votes were spread throughout the US

Matching funds

Major party candidates qualify by raising at least $5,000 in contributions of $250 or less in at least 20 states – not difficult. But third-party candidates qualify only by winning at least 5% of the popular vote in previous elections. In last 50 years only 3 have managed this : Wallace (1968), Anderson (1980), Perot (1992 and 1996). Has led to Perot not qualifying for matching funds in 1992 when he was attracting almost 1/5th of voters by Reform party candidate Patrick Buchanan did in 2000 when he was attracting less than 1/100th of votes

Ballot Access Laws

Laws in each state regulate how third-party candidates can qualify to get their name on the ballot. Tennessee requires just 25 signatures on the ballot  so there were 7 third pat and independent candidates on the ballor for the Senate swat in Tennessee in 2012. Other states I.E. NY and Cal are more demanding. In NY a third party candidate must gain a certain number of signatures in every county in the state. In 1980, John Anderson estimated he had to gather around 1.2 million signatures nationwide to get on the ballot in all 50 states. He had to spend $3 million just doing that.

Lack of resources

-Exacerbated by the two previous points, it is har for third parties to qualify for ‘matching funds’. They must spend much of their hard earned cash on ballot access petitions rather than on real campaigning. People are understandably reluctant to give money to parties that they know are going to lose: this creates something of a catch 22 situation

Lack of media attention
-          News programmes don’t think they are sufficiently news worthy. They can rarely afford making or airing adverts and candidates are usually bared from state and national televised debates

Allegations of extremism
-          2 major parties often have little difficulty in portraying third party candidates as ideological extremists because they often are – otherwise they would be running under umbrella of Democratic or Republican Party. Republicans smeared pro-segregationist George Wallace with the slogan: ‘If you liked Hitler, you’ll love Wallace’. Americans have deep fear of ideological extremists.


-          Some third parties which have done well in past elections have seen their policies being adopted by the Democrats if Reoubllicas, I.E. Wallacce when Nixon launched his ‘Southern Strategy’ to woo Wallace voters in the run up to the 1972 election. Happened also to Perot when both Democrat President Bill Clinton and the congressional Republicans adopted policies to deal with Perot’s flagship policy – the federal budget deficit. By 2000, the federal budget was in surplus and the Reform Party’s vote had fallen from 19% in 1992 to 0.4% in 2000. BUT THEN AGAIN, aim of third parties may not be to win election but have significant effect on policy debate.


(1) In 2012 their combined popular vote was less than 2%
(2) 5 of 9 presidential elections between 1968 and 2000 a 3rd party played a signidicant role. On three occasions (1968,, 1992 and 2000) it could be argued that a third party decided the outcome.
2000à Nader’s 2.7% for the Green Party almost certainly cost Al Gore the presidency. In Florida, where Bush won by just 537 votes,Nader polled nearly 100,000 votes. In New Hampshire where Bush won by just 7,000 votes, Nader had over 22,000. Exit poll data suggested that at least half of those Nader votes would have been Gore voters and the other half would have probably not voted at all had Nader not been on the ballot.

2012 à Independent Angus King won the open Senate seat in Maine. In Maryland Senate race independent candidate Rob Sobhani won 17% of vote. In Montana Senate race, Libertarian Party candidate Dan Cox won 6.5% when the margin between the two major party candidates was less than 4% points. In Nevada Senate Race, the independent American Party Candidate David Vanderbeek got just under 5% of the vote with only just over 1 percentage point separating the Democrat and Republican candidates.

Bunch of essay plans

NOTE: Some are not fully completed.

To what extent do the Republican party and Democrat party have similarities?

Economy à taxation

Traditional ideology
Republicans: small government


In the 2012 Party Platform, 56% of republicans opposed raising taxes on those who earned over $250,000

February 2014, Republicans proposed a tax reform, would also make up for any revenue losses from decreased income taxes with additional taxes and fees for investment managers, big banks, and the highest earners.

35 percent, just about the highest in the industrialized world. Republicans want to slash that rate down to 25 percent, while Obama proposed cutting it to 28 percent in a draft discussion on tax reform in 2012
Want a full repeal of the death tax (also known as the federal estate tax, under which a tax is applied to the transfer of the deceased’s estate at the time of their death).

February 2013, Republicans proposed a tax reform, included just three income tax brackets, 10 percent, 20 percent, and 35 percent, which would reduce income tax rates overall

July 2014, Obama proposed tax reforms that were rejected by Republicans Senator Mitch McConnell from Kentucky- ‘The tax hike it includes is going to dampen any boost businesses might otherwise get to help our economy’

Economy à welfare
Economy à minimum wage
Republicans believe that wages should be based on skill, education, and the law of supply and demand
Romney - “I…part company with many of the conservatives in my party on the issue of the minimum wage. I think we ought to raise it,” Romney has said. “Because frankly, our party is all about more jobs and better pay.” While he does not believe in a large increase such as the one being proposed at this time, he believes in raising the minimum wage to account for inflation on a regular basis.
In President Obama’s 2013 State of the Union address, he called to increase the minimum wage. In response to this, Senator Tom Harkin and Representative George Miller have introduced the Fair Minimum Wage Act of 2013. This act would raise the federal minimum wage from the current $7.25 to $10.10 over the course of the next two years – Republican controlled house voted unanimously against it
Rubio and Paul Ryan have spoken out against it

Health care
Rep believe that a health care system that is run by the government will reduce both the efficiency and the standard of care, as well as compromise the patient-physician relationship, and increase waiting periods within the health care system
Twelve Democrats sided with Republicans in approving the first Affordable Care Act-related legislation of the new Congress. 
The Republican Party thought the expansion of Medicaid is unsustainable, and will harm the nation as a whole. The Affordable Care Act (increased Medicaid and made a website that would allow citizens to compare insurance providers) -  was so firmly opposed by the Republican Party that not a single Republican voted for the final version that Obama signed into law.

The House voted Thursday to curb a provision in ObamaCare that some lawmakers say is hurting the job market, as the new Republican-controlled Congress moved quickly to challenge the administration on several fronts. 
The House voted 252-172 for the ObamaCare bill, which tweaks the law's definition of full-time workers who must be offered employer-provided health care.
The bill changes the full-time worker threshold from 30 hours weekly to a 40-hour minimum
16 day Shutdown over ACA October

Republicans believe in warmly welcoming those who enter the country through legal methods, while devoting extra resources to keep out those who try to enter via illegal methods, as well as keeping track of those who enter and when they leave. The party believes that amnesty towards those who have broken immigration laws only encourages future immigrants to enter the country illegally rather than legally.
The plan, which is scheduled to be voted on by the House next week, is unlikely to get approval from the more moderate Senate – wishing to get Hispanic vote
 over the past six years, deportations of criminals are up 80 percent.
House Republicans on Friday 9/1/15 announced budget proposal that would fund the Department of Homeland Security, which oversees border checkpoints, but block the White House's recent executive action benefiting some illegal immigrants.
NATIVISTS most against Obama’s executive order which granted 5million aliens chance to work.

Foreign Affairs – war on terror dominating

US led air strike. Was

 Some 350 US troops are stationed at the base, deep in ISIS territory, and officials have often presented attacks on ISIS near the area as “self-defense.”

Each have condemned attacks in Paris and Australia
During an interview with Fox News, McCain criticised what he called President Barack Obama and his administration's "lack of strategy" concerning ISIS

Race/Affirmative action
unborn child has a “fundamental individual right to life which cannot be infringed,
-          Republicans for planned parenthood
-          Republicans for choice – Super PAC. Members include Senator Susan Collins Maine
Republicans support a constitutional amendment which will end abortion entirely. They oppose using public revenues to promote or carry out abortions, and also oppose any health care options that include the coverage of abortion. 

Gun control
Both believe in right to bear arms

Democrats believe in stronger background checks


-          All staunchly oppose Obama’s immigration bill. Mitch McConnell, the Republican Senate leader, said Mr Obama's unilateral actions ignored the American people
-          Mr McConnell has ruled out triggering a government shutdown by refusing to vote for funds to keep federal departments working. But Mr Cruz and others on the Right have kept open the possibility of a shutdown, saying Republicans should "use any and all means necessary" to oppose the plan.

Health care
Most Republicans are anti-Obama Care, as seen by not a single Republican voting for the version of the ACA that Obama signed

While most fiscal and social conservatives oppose any changes to ObamaCare, insisting that the entire law should be repealed, other moderate Republicans say the party should eliminate the more damaging parts of the law, such as the requirement that some businesses provide healthcare to all employees working at least 30 hours a week.

GOP leaders have promised to hold a vote on repealing ObamaCare, though Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-
Ky.) has acknowledged the bill would be a dead letter


Party leadership
-          In the end they chose Bohneor anyway
-          two dozen of his own members refused to support Boehner – House leader- reelection as House speaker in a televised vote à Fiscal conservatives and TEA party two factions particularly against him. Thought he was too moderate. 2 years ago it was just 1 dozen
According to the poll, 53 percent want neither McConnel as Senate leader or Boehner would prefer to see new party leadership.
- Want to establish tax reform
-Don’t know when to pursue tax reform – should they do half now, leaving rest to 2016 or push through all now?

-          Republican policy on welfare is identical to the conservative view, as can be seen through the force they have exerted in pushing through large welfare cuts since 2012, causing welfare spending to contract from $571 billion to $541 billion. In July 2014, the Republicans also pressured Congress to cut food stamp spending by 1% in a bipartisan compromise in order to pass agriculture legislation. Whilst the spending cut was not as high as Republicans wished for, the cut was still significant considering 1 in 7 Americans require food stamps

Republicans support a constitutional amendment which will end abortion entirely. They oppose using public revenues to promote or carry out abortions, and also oppose any health care options that include the coverage of abortion
-          Republicans for planned parenthood
Republicans for choice – Super PAC. Members include Senator Susan Collins Maine

·         The number of Blue Dog Democrats is in serious decline, with just 14 members, after the 2012 elections.



Increased importance
Less important
Evidence of partisanship and the increasing polarisation of the parties in recent years. With the media’s focus on the deeply partisan approach by both parties to key issues such as the economy, it is clear that parties are still dominant in the USA. There is clear evidence of adversarial and partisan politics in the USA with the Republicans being largely ideologically conservative while their Democratic counterparts have adopted a more liberally progressive agenda.
·         The media allows for more candidate-centred politics that focuses on individual media personalities. Similarly, the rise of new media and social networking sites has provided a vehicle through which individual candidates can reach out to the electorate or raise funds directly.

Parties still play an important role in funding and organising electoral campaigns, despite the decline in soft money, that is centred on both the Democratic and Republican National Committees.

·         Campaign finance reforms such as the 2002 BCRA have placed limits on party fundraising and expenditure while Supreme Court decisions such as the Citizens United case have increased the power of pressure groups to fund the campaigns of individual candidates.
Congressional elections have become increasingly focused on parties and dominated by national issues such as the 1994 Contract with America (a nationally-agreed manifesto, established in the run-up to the 1994 midterms, that committed Republican Party members to vote on a series of conservative issues such as cutting taxes and balancing the budget) and. the Democrats’ ‘6 for ‘06’ commitments and the most recent Republican Pledge to America, in 2010.  (list of proposed legislation republican party hoped to impose in 112th congress)
·         Primaries are by their nature deeply divisive and encourage rifts to form between individuals and factions within the party.

·         The introduction of unpledged superdelegates and party control over the timetabling and nomination procedures has allowed them to try to recapture the presidential nomination process. I.E. frontloading
·         The increasing use of primaries in selecting candidates has meant candidates are more concerned with direct appeals to the electorate and the party leadership is given less power to choose candidates and shape the direction of the party.

·         Pressure groups have replaced parties in communicating with the electorate, mobilising voters and developing policy.


How and why do PG influence the Supreme Court?

Providing support in test cases
Provide lawyers and financial aid
-          I.E. Windsor Vs Doma case was funded by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) – case struck down part of the 1996 Defence of Marriage Act (DOMA), under which the federal government was barred from providing benefits (such as tax concessions) to same-sex couples who had been able to marry in the limited number of states or countries that came to permit it
-          The case built on the constitutional right to engage in gay relationships that had been established in Lawrence v Texas (2003)

SC has power of Judicial review
Judicial review is power of SC to declare acts of congress or actions of the executive / state governments unconstitutional and thereby null and void. It therefore acts as a guarantor of civil rights and liberties. Pressure groups want to influence the Supreme Court to interpret legislation in their favour, so that the rights that they want to give citizens, are given.
Influencing judicial appointments
They create profiles on possible appointments, checking their past record to see if they have voted in line with the issue of the pressure group advocates. They then campaign publically on their most favoured justice. As it is the senate that confirm appointments, they lobby senators to try and ensure they vote in favour of the preferred candidate.
I.E: Coalition for Constitutional Values was broadcasting adverts to try and get Sonia Sottomayor appointed  a coalition for constitutional values = of organizations and advocates working together to ensure that our federal courts work to the benefit of all Americans in keeping with the core constitutional values of liberty, equality and justice for all.
Judicial Philosophies
The outcome of court cases = very much dependent on the views and experiences of the justices. The more right wing ones, more likely to be anti-abortion etc. Sonia Sotomayor in this case, is of Hispanic origin and has more progressive views. Important that pressure groups manage to influence SC appointments so that
Amicus Curiae Briefs (friends of the court)
These are dossiers created by PG’s to be read by the judges of test cases. They explain the view of the Pressure Group. I.E: 2012 Blackhorse vs Pro-football case – National Congress of American Indians wrote an Amicus Curiae Bried explaining why the ‘Washington Redskins’ name and logo was offensive to Native Americans.
Wider views
So that the judiciary can make a more well informed decision on certain issues. They will be able to take into account more opinions and thereby better represent the views of the public in their rulings.
Writing in journals and published law books
Leading lawyers, some funded by pressure groups, others simply members of pressure groups, have written in respected law journals in support of the issue their pressure group advocates. I.E. The NRA has written profusely in law books
SC justice views evolve
SC justices often read law journals, and future ones will be reading them as part of their study. With views of lawyers, their own opinions will be shaped.

How and why do PG influence Senate

Pressure Groups try to convince congressmen to have their same philosophy ad vote I their same way. They therefore hire progressional lobbyist groups to do so.
In 2014, $2.41 billion was spent on lobbying.
I.E. Facebook, Google, Apple and other technology firms are attempting to lobby congress through the Electronic Frontier Foundation in order to get senate to pass the Freedom Act which would limit the US’ NSA surveillance and limit bulk email collection
Senate has ability to pass legislation
So crucial because this effects the everyday lives of every American. Legislation revolves around all and any sort of issue.
Endorsement – Super PAC
Greater funds that a candidate allows them to increase their publicity through advertising, which usually equates in greater votes.
As of January 11, 2015, 1,287 groups organized as Super PACs have total independent expenditures of $344,172,141 in the 2014 cycle
PG’s try to endorse candidates so that they get elected into Senate.
I.E. Agriculture Super PACs donated $43640 to Senator Marco Rubio
Publishing Voting Records
Emily’s List – a pro choice pressure group publishes voting list of who they recommend you should vote. – i.e. Ann Kirk Patrick, House of Arizona.
To ensure that right candidate with similar views gets elected
Senate confirms judicial and federal appointments so this is particularly important
Forming Iron Triangles and through Revolving Door Syndrome
Iron triangles – involves a three-sided relationship between a congressional comittee, a federal dept  and a particular interest group or industry. In forging these strong ties they create a wall of resistance to change that the White House may be unable to breach. I.E.
·         Environmentalist group the Sierra club had formed strong links with Senate Environment and Public Works Committee and Bureau of Land Management (BLM) which caused suspension of keystone pipeline bill that would have enabled increased oil supply from US oil reserves

Ratify treaties and pass legislation

How and why do PG influence House

Pressure Groups try to convince congressmen to have their same philosophy ad vote I their same way. They therefore hire progressional lobbyist groups to do so.
In 2014, $2.41 billion was spent on lobbying.
I.E. Facebook, Google, Apple and other technology firms are attempting to lobby congress through the Electronic Frontier Foundation in order to get senate to pass the Freedom Act which would limit the US’ NSA surveillance and limit bulk email collection
House has ability to pass legislation
So crucial because this effects the everyday lives of every American. Legislation revolves around all and any sort of issue.
Endorsement – Super PAC
Greater funds that a candidate allows them to increase their publicity through advertising, which usually equates in greater votes.
As of January 11, 2015, 1,287 groups organized as Super PACs have total independent expenditures of $344,172,141 in the 2014 cycle
PG’s try to endorse candidates so that they get elected into Senate.
I.E. Newly elected representative Alma Adams received most money from EMILY’s list - $17,001
Publishing Voting Records
Emily’s List – a pro choice pressure group publishes voting list of who they recommend you should vote. – i.e. Ann Kirk Patrick, House of Arizona.
To ensure that right candidate with similar views gets elected
House initiates money bills so particularly important
Forming Iron Triangles and through Revolving Door Syndrome
Iron triangles – involves a three-sided relationship between a congressional comittee, a federal dept  and a particular interest group or industry. In forging these strong ties they create a wall of resistance to change that the White House may be unable to breach. I.E.
·         Environmentalist group the Sierra club had formed strong links with House Natural resources committee and Bureau of Land Management (BLM) which caused suspension of keystone pipeline bill that would have enabled increased oil supply from US oil reserves

House can impeach and elect President in case of dead-locked Electoral College

How and why do PG influence Executive?

Endorsement – Super PAC
Google Inc. - $801,770 to Obama in 2012 presidential election race
President Sets Policy Agenda
In January State of Union Speech, allows President to outline agenda to congress. Any access gained to congress can lead to state of union address

Protesting – direct action
I.E. anti abortion groups, anti-capitalist movements such as ‘occupy wallstreet’.

President Appoints SC judges
SC is highest court in land. They carry out judicial review, declaring legislation unconstitutional


Presidents can issue executive orders -  means that the President holds the power to force through legislation without Congress consent  currently this is a power which is often in headlines I.e. immigration

Forming Iron Triangles and through Revolving Door Syndrome
Iron triangles – involves a three-sided relationship between a congressional comittee, a federal dept  and a particular interest group or industry. In forging these strong ties they create a wall of resistance to change that the White House may be unable to breach. I.E.
·         Environmentalist group the Sierra club had formed strong links with House Natural resources committee and Bureau of Land Management (BLM) which caused suspension of keystone pipeline bill that would have enabled increased oil supply from US oil reserves

Executive is limited by the resources of its federal bodies.

How far is it true to claim that pressure group activity in the USA is both ‘undemocratic and elitist’?
Undemocratic =
Elitists = suggests that a small group of pressure groups disproportionately influence the decision makers of the USA. As More comprehensive screening of gun buyers is supported by 91 percent of U.S. voters, including 88 percent of gun-owning households, according to a Quinnipiac University poll conducted March 27-April 1. The politics, however, just didn’t work for gun-control advocates, Congress voted against background checks in 2013

Undemocratic and elitist
Not undemocratic or elitist
(1) Wealthiest pressure groups do best
(1) Regulation exists
(2) Iron Triangle
(2) Winners and losers
(3) Revolving Door Syndrome
(3) Encourage political participation
(4) Competing Elites cancel each other out