Friday 6 February 2015

2014 Initiatives and Propositions


State Amendment 1 - Foreign Laws
Forbids state's recognition of laws violating it's policies, including all foreign laws.
YES: 72.3% NO: 27.7%

State Amendment 3 - Right to Bear Arms
Protects right to bear arms; requires strict scrutiny of any restriction on the right.
YES: 72.4% NO: 27.6%

State Amendment 5 - Right to Hunt
Clarifies that people have the right to hunt, fish and harvest wildlife subject to reasonable regulation.
YES: 79.8% NO: 20.2%


Ballot Measure 2 - Legalise Marijuana
Deciminalises marijuana in the state
YES: 52.3% NO: 47.7%

Ballot Measure 3 - Minimum Wage Hike
Increases the minimum wage in 2015 and 2016
YES: 69.9% NO: 31.1%


Proposition 122 - Rejection of Unconstitutional Federal Actions
Creates mechanisms by which use of state personnel and financial resources are employed only for purposes congruent with Constitution
YES: 51.2% NO: 48.8%

Proposition 304 - Increases Legislative Salaries
Increases their salaries by $11,000 to $35,000 annually
NO: 67.9% YES: 32.1%


Issue 3 - Ethics Transparency Reform
Extends length of time state legislators can stay in office 16 years; limits lobbying and creates independent elected officials salary commission.
YES: 52.5% NO: 47.5%

Issue 5 - Minimum Wage Hike
Increases states minimum wage from $6.25 to $8.50 per hour by 2017.
YES: 65.9% NO: 34.1%

Issue 4 - Alcohol Sales Statewide
Legalises manufacture, transportation and sale of alcohol statewide.
NO: 56.9% YES: 43.1%


Proposition 47 - Criminal Sentences
Reduces the classification of most nonviolent crimes from a felony to a misdemeanor.
YES: 59.0% NO: 41.0%


Amendment 67 - Personhood
Recognises unborn children as persons in the Colorado Criminal Code and Colorado Wrongful Death Act
NO: 64.8% YES: 35.2%


Amendment 1- Absentee Ballots
Allows legislature to expand early voting.
NO: 52.4% YES: 47.6%

District of Columbia

Initiative 71 - Legal Marijuana Possession
Legalises possession of small amounts of marijuana for personal use.
YES: 69.4% NO: 30.6%


Amendment 3 - Judicial Vacanies
Allows the governor to fill judicial vacancies by appointing a justice or judge from a slate of nominees
NO: 52.1% YES: 47.9%

Amendment 2 - Medical Marijuana 
Grants the right to use marijuana for the treatment of certain ailments when recommended by a physician
NO: 42.4% YES: 57.6%


Advisory Question 1 - Raise minimum wage
Advises the legislature to increase the state's hourly minimum wage to $10
YES: 66.7% NO: 33.3%

Amendment 2 - Prohibit Discrimination
Provides that no person shall be denied the right to register to vote or to cast a ballot in an election
YES: 71.1% NO: 28.9%

Amendment 1 - Expand Victims Rights
Modifies the Crime Victims' Bill of Rights by strengthening the rights of crime victims during criminal court proceedings.
YES: 77.9% NO: 22.1%

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