Friday 20 March 2015

Congressional Committee Chairmen

Committee on Ways and Means
Chairman – Paul Ryan, Wisconsin
œ Ryan serves his ninth term in Congress as an advocate for the 1st Congressional District
œ Ways & Means: Ryan focuses on fixing the broken tax code, holding the Internal Revenue Service accountable, strengthening Medicare and Social Security, promoting job-creating trade agreements and the creation of patient centred solutions to make healthcare affordable
œ Specialist in economics, serving as chairman in the House Budget Committee in the 112-113th Congress. Ryan was responsible for the Path to Prosperity plan which would create jobs & lift the burden of debt.  
Committee on the Budget
Chairman – Tom Price, Georgia
¯  In Congress, Rep. Price has proven to be a vibrant leader, tireless problem solver and the go-to Republican on quality health care policy.  
¯  He serves on the House Committee on Ways and Means.
¯  Price has been a fierce opponent of government waste and devoted to limited government and lower spending.
¯  For nearly twenty years, Rep. Price worked in private practice as an orthopaedic surgeon. 
¯  The House Republican budget cuts spending by $5.1 trillion over the next ten years. It targets wasteful Washington spending and reforms the drivers of the debt, stopping the spending of the money Washington doesn’t have, ensuring a stronger, prosperous America. 

Committee on the Judiciary
Chairman – Chuck Grassley, Iowa
œ  Grassley is in his sixth term in the Senate and has been on the Committee on the Judiciary since and has developed a reputation for fiscal responsibility, accountability and judicious legislation
œ  Grassley is a leader when it comes to shedding light on the federal bureaucracy and bringing transparency to the people's business.
œ  Grassley's pursuit of accountability has crisscrossed virtually every federal agency.  He's a watchdog of the Justice Department and the FBI, exposing serious mistakes that led to botched investigations and risked public safety and uncovering numerous examples of a double standard of discipline. 
œ  The Iowa senator leaves no stone unturned to protect tax dollars from cross-examining the tax-advantaged practices of non-profits and shutting down offshore tax shelters exploited by corporate elites.

œ  Which chairperson do you think is the most influential?
Chuck Grassley, the Chairman for the Committee on the Judiciary arguably has the most influence, as judges have quasi-legislative power, and the committee is responsible for appointments. Being in control of federal criminal law, the committee is responsible for challenges upon law and the Constitutional process of amendments
œ  What impact will this have on the legislative process?
Committees on Ways & Means and the Budget are responsible for taxation and economics, which will have an effect upon the legislative process as these committees can control whether or not legislation is carried through – due to finance. 
Committee on Ways and Means
Committee on the Budget
Committee on the Judiciary
Powers include:
Taxation tariffs, social security, unemployment benefits, Medicare, Child Support laws, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (federal welfare programme), foster/adoption programmes.
ALL bills regarding TAXATION go through Means & Ways Committee as the US Constitution requires these bills to emerge from the House of Representatives
Powers include:
Legislative oversight of the federal budget process, reviewing all bills & resolutions on the budget, monitoring agencies & programmes funded outside of the budget.
Powers include:
Senatorial courtesy hearings for the confirmation of federal, including Supreme Court justices, jurisdiction over federal criminal law (human rights, immigration, property rights, internet privacy) and responsible for the proposed Constitutional Amendments process

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