Friday 20 March 2015

PROS & CONS of the Obama legacy - By Tamanna Moushumi & Samuel Donkoh, LSE Political Science research

The President of the United States of America:
Barack Hussein Obama
2008 - present
Gave people healthcare provisions; popular scheme that the people both wanted and needed.
Obamacare – no public option as it remains private having cost $2trillion
LGBT rights, repealing DADT; minimum wage for federal workers
Polarised presidency – as Obama is now ‘reaching across the aisle’
START Treaty with Russia – controlled nuclear weapons by limiting the strategic offensive arms

On foreign policy, ‘we don’t have a strategy yet…don’t do stupid stuff’  suggesting his political pragmatism and flexibility to adapt with the foreign policy demands
Foreign policy front – Sarah Palin has criticised Obama on his ‘attempts’ to curb ISIS

Obama hasn’t taken a harsh/tough enough stance with Netanyahu – relationship is on the rocks with Israel whilst going positively with Iran. Iranian deal – nuclear power for domestic use; opponents are suggesting the obvious creation of nuclear weapons

Not standing up to Russia – allowing Putin to continue to do as he does; leader of the opposition was shot
Cuban diplomatic relations restored for the first time in 50 years; first Democratic president since Kennedy
Cuban relations – frosty as it is criticised that Cuba gives asylum to most wanted on the FBI list included Assata Shakur
Withdrew ground troops from Afghanistan and Iraq
Guantanamo Bay remains open – wont close the ‘’shining city on the hill
"Osama bin Laden is dead, and General Motors is alive." Obama has rescued the economy
Drone strikes, every Tuesday – ‘kill list’, in which Obama remains the jury, the judge and the executioner. He does not need Congressional sanction for drones either – so he can do as he pleases
Allowed immigrants to ‘come out of the shadows’, giving immigrants temporary visas. Protected children, particularly Dreamers
Immigration: Dream Act, Executive Order, right to stay with a ‘path to citizenship’ – giving amnesty to criminals 
Monitored acts – data is scooped up, stored. Greater security at the sacrifice of freedom
Surveillance state – NSA ruthlessly pursues ‘whistle blowers’ – Edward Snowden, Chelsea Manning
Minimum wage for federal workers
CIA Senate Torture reports/detention – waterboarding
Chicago – black sites being used to torture people, no legal access
The Head of the Chicago black site used to teach those at Guantanamo how to torture 
First black Executive with the most diverse Cabinet. Role model to other ethnic minority groups; fundamental in the history of the USA, considering Jim Crow laws that marginalised African-Americans and ethnic minorities
Judicial appointments are diverse – Sotomayor, Hispanic Latina
Pressure groups including Black Lives Matter exist despite the so called eradication of the racial barriers as a result of Obama being the first black executive.

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