Wednesday 13 May 2015

Instances where Obama has appeared 'weak'

Instances where Barrack Obama has appeared weak

1. Fast Track Authority - the most recent example comes from Senate Democrats blocking a key component of his trade agenda. The bill would have given President Obama 'fast track' authority (simply put it, granting him greater authority and power when negotiating trade deals) to negotiate trade deals. It was defeated by 52-45 votes. Democrats criticised Obama for aligning himself with the GOP on trade.

2. CIA torture report - Obama had initially 'banned' the use of torture when he came to office, however, the CIA (part of the federal bureaucracy) continued with the operations by using enhanced interrogation and torture techniques such as water boarding on suspected (and convicted) terrorists. Such operations were conducted across the world on numerous 'black sites' across several countries and also at Guantanamo Bay. Obama and the White House had been misled on the true extent of the torture program and the very fact that the CIA continued with it despite the President placing a ban eptiomises lack of control over the federal bureaucracy (important to note that he appointed the CIA director, comes to show how even people who he thinks can be relied on to carry out his agenda actually aren't so reliable).

3. Restrictions as Commander in Chief - Obama initially submitted a report to the Senate requesting further permission to use more military force against ISIS in the Middle East. He also asked Congress to restrict the ability of Commander In Chief to wage war against an overseas enemy.
'The president's not relevant. He's gone in two years.'
-Mark Begich, Democratic Senator

4. Obama's Executive Order - In 2014 Obama passed an executive order on immigration reform seeking to help 4 million illegal immigrants. Senator Bob Corker referred to Obama as being a 'weak' president as this executive order was not a sign of strength but weakness because if he was strong he would be able to influence and persuade Congress to work towards his immigration agenda. However, as we've seen from failures to reintroduce the DREAM Act, Gang of 8 Bill, etc, Obama has failed on immigration reform and this is a clear sign of weakness.

5. Gun Control -  With Congress more polarised than ever, passing any legislation limiting the right to bear arms has failed. The Manchin-Toomey bill in 2013 is perhaps the most prominent recent bill that proposed tighter background checks and controls of sales on firearms, however, the bill was defeated by the GOP along with a few Democrats. Since Obama has failed at gun control he has resorted to using Executive Orders 'quietly' to limit gun rights instead. Again, the same argument as for the immigration order can be applied here - the very fact he is resorting to quietly initiating executive orders is a clear sign of weakness knowing that he has failed at reaching any compromise on gun control.

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