Friday, 20 March 2015

The Vice President - sideman or nah?

The Vice President

Joe Biden - Democrat
Not worth a bucket of warm piss/spit – the Vice President ceases to be of importance, and they have the two constitutional roles;
-          The presiding officer of the Senate (mostly carried out by a Senator anyway), Vice President breaks a tied vote in the Senate
-          Takes over the Presidency if the President dies in office or can’t carry out his duties – Vice Presidents are a heartbeat away from presidency making the position a strong Launchpad for election campaigns

A position of growing importance
-          Role in balancing the ticket – compensating for the weaknesses in the Presidential candidate – the female absence in the ticket was the reasoning for Sarah Palin onto the vice presidential ballot.
-          As federal government has grown, the Vice President has to do more with the running of the executive branch
-          Important advisory roles
-          Important roles in liaising with the party and colleagues in Congress
-          Under Obama, the role has become one of the administrations policy czars – with responsibility for policies that impact middle/working class families
-          Of the eleven most recent, four Vice Presidents have become the party’s presidential candidate

The role of Vice President becomes of importance in assisting the execution of domestic policy, 


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