Thursday, 11 June 2015

American foreign policy

Again, two major developments in the area of policy;
- Trans Pacific Partnership 

Democrats blocking the fast track to negotiate the Trans Pacific Partnership trade agreement which will control 40% of the trade countries encompassing 12 countries. Elizabeth Warren the de Facto leader in the Senate opposed the bill as Obama cant be trusted to make deals in the interests of Americans as previous trade pacts have not effectively enforced labour standards. Reid sided with Warren and
Obama relies on the support of Republicans, which is unlikely. Republican presidential nominees are agreeing with the exception of Huckabee.
US Chamber of Commerce has given the President support for the fast track authority. Fast track authority was supported by 14 of the 44 Democrats in the Senate and supported by 48 Republicans 

- Renewal of the sunset provision of the PATRIOT Act
Following 9/11, the PATRIOT Act was seen as one of the biggest expansions of federal government's surveillance powers. The Sunset provisions expiring of the Patriot Act prevents federal government from collecting mass mobile phone data. 

National security or an individual's right to privacy and liberty? Which one is worth more?

Rand Paul certainly thinks the individual's rights are greater - as a Libertarian conservative; and he has fervently gone against the provisions of Patriot being renewed. Paul believes only suspected terrorists should be investigated and their data collected... 

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