Saturday, 6 June 2015

Overview for American Politics Unit 3C – Representative Processes in the USA: Political parties

The 113th Congress was notably and notoriously known for their increased partisanship – leading them to be dully labelled a dysfunctional. Despite the operation of a two party state in America, the prominence and uproar of partisan factions has led to the materialisation of David Broder’s claims in the 1970s – the Party really being over. Arguably, there is no one distinct Republican or Democrat – the factions create ideological overlaps which in effect, unite some members of the parties more so than others. The simultaneous improvement of the TEA Party and the decline of the Blue Dog Democrats in Congress appeared to correlate. As prominent Blue Dogs like Mark Pyror and Mary Landrieu were knocked out of their congressional seats in 2014 experienced, the Tea Party has continued to rise – even Ted Cruz is standing for election, demonstrating the solidification of the Tea Party, standing with actual supporters for election. The Democratic Party has disassociated itself from Obama – perhaps at the removal from his traditional liberal stand point. Obama’s more ruthless nature, as he approaches the end of his presidential office illustrates the departure of the Obama administration from its Democratic ideals and values.

Calls for bipartisanship have been apparent – but at the detriment of the other party and abandonment on traditional standpoints on policy. For instance, the Stupak-Pitts amendment by the Obama administration has limited the federal funding of abortion; denying abortion to the most vulnerable groups… this is a direct departure from Democratic values of big government where a pull/turn on factor for voting Democrat is the greater women’s rights.

Partisan gridlock occurs on the most prominent issue in American politics; healthcare. The attempt by the Obama administration to give people an affordable health care system failed; it remains a private heath service that cost $2 trillion. The Republicans are vehemently against Obamacare – creating further gridlock…

On pertinent issues including the closure of Guantanamo Bay – opened by Rumsfield to protect America from the threat of terrorism. The Obama administration attempted to close the detention centre but failed at the result of a lack of funding.


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